Native American Veteran and Canadian aboriginal veteran List.

joseph arthur standing buffalo

Joseph Standing Buffalo is a Sioux Dakota from Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan, son of Grand Chief Julius Standing Buffalo. He enlisted in the Canadian Forces during the First World War and was killed on September 29, 1918 near Arras in the Pas-de-Calais.

Joseph Standing Buffalo was born June 3, 1897 in Indian Head, Saskatchewan, son of Grand Chief Julius Standing Buffalo of the Fort Qu'Appelle Sioux Nation. He enlisted on June 11, 1917 in Regina in the 78th battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force under the number 2413310. He took part in the battle of the Canal du Nord and died on September 29, 1918 of wounds received in the sector of Arras. He is buried at the Bucquoy Road Cemetery in Ficheux (Pas-de-Calais, France), falls 4B34.

In an interview on November 9, 2001 with Julius' last surviving son, Charles Standing Buffalo (1916 - 2006) "Tahtopa Wakan" recounted how he grew up in the days of Standing Buffalo First Nation, from school. He recalled the story of the day when his older brother Joseph Arthur returned from the war on leave and the great celebration held in his honor "... his Indian name was" Sinte Wakana Zuzuheceda Sinte Wakana "which means the tail of a rattlesnake.


He is best known for his kinship with Chief Sitting Bull, information saying he is the grandson of it.


800px falls of luxury buffalo


Some people scour the internet looking for the slightest association, forum, blog ... to violently attack anyone who repeats the information that Standing Buffalo is the grandson of Sitting Bull. Ironically, these people do not attack so violently large organizations like the Commonwealth War serious commission and the Canadian Virtual Memorial

These people claim, having only an e-mail as proof, that Ernie Lapointe is the one and only descendants of Sitting Bull and that in his message, he clearly states that: '' Standing Buffalo is not related to us. It has never been, and never will be. We do not care what he said. He just wanted to be famous.

All our relatives are taken into account, and all are documented. "

It is also stated that his father Julius is a descendant of Chief Standing Buffalo and the mother of Joseph Arthur; Julia Bird, has no connection with Sitting Bull. This is based on saying that the legend is false, invented by whites who converted the names to create a legend after the First World War and that some people take this information in order to gain media profit. We end up saying that the Smithsonian Institute and the Sitting Bull Foundation have established Sitting Bull's complete family tree and found no connection.

So we sweep away this story with the back of the hand, saying that it is false, with proof only an email from Ernie Lapointe.

We can not erase this legend with so little evidence, now unravel the truth of the false:


THE GENEALOGIC TREE PROVE THAT IT IS FALSE: FALSE - Originally the Smithsonian Institute wanted to prove the link between the Lapointe (who claimed to be descendants of Sitting Bull) and Sitting Bull in order to restore to the Sioux nation objects belonging to the Sitting Bull, including a lock of hair. In DNA tests, the maternal line is always favored because of a chromosome that is transmitted from generation to generation on the female side. The family tree was built in direct female lineage between Ernie Lapointe and Sitting Bull and not all available descendants. It is unclear whether all male descendants were included, including all of their adoptive children.

Ernie Lapointe is actually a descendant of the Greyeagle / Sittingbull lineage but is not recognized as the only descendant by members of this lineage.

The adoption ceremony gives One Bull the same reputation as the blood relatives of Sitting Bull's family. The Smithsonian, however, only wanted the closest relative. For example, there are four generations between Sitting Bull and His Horse Is Thunder, three generations between Sitting Bull and Dog Eagle, and two generations between Sitting Bull and LaPointe, making him the closest relative of the three descendants of Sitting Bull. LaPointe therefore met the Smithsonian's requirements to be the closest relative to the blood level.


THE SMITHSONIAN AND THE SITTING BULL FOUNDATION HAVE ESTABLISHED THE GENEALOGIC TREE: FALSE - Following the smithsonian's research, the Lapointe family created the Sitting Bull family foundation to keep a check on the story of Sitting Bull. The foundation did not create the family tree, it copied it. The foundation did not work with the Smithsonian, it was created following Smithsonian research. Ernie Lapointe became famous afterwards, publishing numerous articles, interviews and books. Since the founding became a company incorporating 10 employees, Sitting Bull's family tree is unavailable (except by way of finance from a company or by buying the book from Ernie Lapointe) and internet research clearly tells us that anyone wanting to do genealogical research around Sitting Bull's family is asked to stop all searches. For about ten years, there has been a form of omerta around the genealogy of Sitting Bull.

The family tree does not take into account all existing or existing descendants. The findable version does not consider for example One Bull, adopted son of Sitting Bull.

Other people boast about being descendants of Sitting Bull, without knowing if this is real and not just about the purpose of getting an "Indian map", sometimes it's about 9 women, whereas only 5 would register in the family tree. Examples include Grindstone or Ron His Horse Is Thunder. It is worth remembering that at the beginning of his life, Sitting Bull was called '' Jumping Badger '' and we start to really know his story only from 1862, during the war against the Dakota; in fact when he was about 30 years old.



Those who say this is based in fact only on the words of Charles Standing Buffalo (1916-2006) who was the last known child of Julius.

Charles said in an interview in 2001 that Julius married Julia and had 6 children: Alec, Joseph Arthur, Charles, Vitaline, Annette and Emma.

Except that Charles's memories are not really accurate. Julius was the descendant of Adelard Standing Buffalo and Dakota Chief Standing Buffalo who fought in Minnesota. Julius is the 3rd Hereditary Chief of the Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation.

But Julius had several wives. He married a certain Marie Winkta Kuna in December 1890 "after an absence of three years" according to parish registers.

He married a certain Alma Ptesanmi in March 1898 and Julia Bird in February 1903.

In reality Joseph Arthur was born from the union of Julius and Alma, (in 1899 and not in 1897 as indicated on his enrollment sheet). Alma is the daughter of an "old Siouse woman, ptesanmi, from the beef reserve"

We then lose track of this famous woman Sioux, remember that Ptesanwi means White Buffalo Woman (Lak?ótiyapi: Ptesá?wi?) who is a sacred woman of supernatural origin, the center of the Lakota religion as a primary cultural prophet. Oral traditions tell that she brought the "seven sacred rites" to the Lakota people.

Buffaloes are considered sacred to many Plains nations, who often regard them as related to creation, medicine and the carriers of sacred ancestor messages.



THE BUFFALO STANDS HAVE INVENTED THIS HISTORY TO MAKE A NAME: FALSE - Of all the writings and testimonies of this family until its last descendant in the 2000s, they never mentioned being tied to any way to Sitting Bull, the information does not come from them. Nor is there anything about it in the archives of the nation or veterans' associations. The Standing Buffalo family did not create or participate in the creation of a company to manage the family tree and the image of Sitting Bull.



THESE SMALL CHILDREN WERE TOO YOUNG TO SERVE: NOT EXACTLY . He was born in 1831, could have been a father in 1849, grandfather in 1867 and great-grandfather to his death in 1890! a little pulling by the hair but technically possible; more Lapointe served during the 1st World War, do they have a link with the current Ernie Lapointe? maybe, some research is going on for that.



WE INVESTIGATE THIS HISTORY AFTER THE WAR TO CREATE A LEGEND: FALSE - Remember that the First World War ended November 11, 1918. At the time the Sioux Reserve in Saskatchewan is still called Fort Qu'appelle. In Indian affairs archives, military archives and census records from 1900 to 1920; Joseph Arthur and his father Julius invariably carry the last names of Standing Buffalo - Buffalo - Standing.

In the official reports of Indian affairs in the 1920s, there is much talk of the exploits of Pegahamagabow Francis; the military exploits of aboriginals and Cameron Donald Brant consistently stating that he is a descendant of Chief Joseph Brant. There is no mention anywhere of any Sitting Bull descendant.

For Saskatchewan, it's just Brass, Thunder, Dreaver or Sanderson.

When the cemetery was created in the 1920s, the CWGC only indicated the connection between Joseph Arthur and his father Julius, both as Standing Buffalo.

The first mention of this link with Sitting Bull actually appears in the CWGC cemetery register in 1997, but the CWGC has so far not found any trace of the origin of this information.

James L Dempsey in his book 'Prairie Indian World War I' published in 1999 makes no mention of this link with Sitting Bull.

So far we know that the information appeared 79 years after the end of the war and was then copied everywhere based on information from the CWGC, including by my association, Veteran Canada, Imperial War Museum or the articles. of newspapers.


ORAL TRADITION IS IMPORTANT IN THIS LEGEND: TRUE - Charles in his interview in 2001 talks about the day Joseph Arthur returned from the military camp on leave before going overseas, he also tells how this soldier was received, the party that took place and even the 3 horses that were given to him. Except that Charles simply rehearse what his family said since at the time he was less than a year old. This part of Joseph Arthur's story is written nowhere else.

It is also known that Julius, a devoted Catholic, taught these children and grandchildren the traditional Dakota way, prayers and ancestral traditions.

All births and adoptions are not necessarily written, we find trace of a birth or a marriage only if the person was baptized; we can therefore expect some gaps in the genealogical history. It must not be forgotten that Sitting Bull lived in Canada for a time near a certain Fort Qu'appelle in order to flee the American army.


HIS DESCENDANT SAYS THAT IT IS FALSE SO THERE IS REASON, IT MUST ALWAYS BELIEVE THE DESCENDANTS: FALSE - it was based solely on the statements of the descendants is not a pledge of truth. The descendants of Jacques Athanase, Maliseet de Viger, maintain that he was wounded during the battle of Vimy and that he served in Siberia, news taken by the nation, the association of veterans of Rivière du Loup and even the commission Quebec toponyms ... except that it's wrong! He was seriously injured a little before the Battle of Vimy and then returned to Canada before the end of the war, he never set foot in Siberia. This story can not be settled solely on the basis of descendants' sayings and blended name assumptions, such searches require sources and archival material to clearly answer questions.


THE LEGEND IS OUT OF AN ERROR OF NAME INTERPRETATION, WE CONFUSED STANDING AND SITTING: MAY BE - but difficult to say since to date we do not know the origin of this legend, it is possible but it is necessary first of all find the origin of this information.

In addition, importantly, to add information about the CWGC's death registry, it would have been necessary to bring proof for that. It is impossible for one person to stand up one morning and say that this tomb, lost in the middle of the campaign, is Sitting Bull's grandson and that this finding is made by chance. It is even more impossible to add this information without bringing evidence. Perhaps there was a misinterpretation of documents, as it may be that an unpublished document was released at the time bringing the proof of this filiation.


FINALLY? THE DOUBT REMAINS. It is impossible to confirm or refute this legend, it requires more research. I am therefore relying on Veterans Canada's response from around 2010: "the close relatives information would have been provided by the Canadian military authorities and correspond to what was recorded in the Standing Buffalo soldier's attestation documents. .I understand, what is written on our site is "correct" because it corresponds to the official information. To delete this information or modify it, you need solid evidence. We are neither historians nor genealogists, but we did some research following your request. It appears that this information comes from the archivists of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC). We will continue to investigate the origin of this information.

We can not confirm or refute that Joseph Standing Buffalo is the grandson of Chief Sitting Bull. However, we found that Sitting Bull would have had five women with many descendants. The genealogy of this period was based on the oral tradition, it can be difficult to find a definitive answer to your question. It is impossible at this time to give you a clear and precise answer but when we know more we will contact you. "


The information therefore remains in this form: Standing Buffalo Joseph Arthur could be linked to Sitting Bull, the investigation continues.