Native American Veteran and Canadian aboriginal veteran List.

john norton

Teyoninhokarawen or "the Snipe" c. 1765-1831, warlord of the Six Nations

John Norton is born in Scotland of a Cherokee father and a Scottish mother. In 1784, while still young, he joined the ranks of the British Army in Ireland. His regiment was sent to North America in 1785. While stationed at Fort Niagara in Youngstown, New York, Norton became friends with a number of Six Nations and began learning the Mohawk. He becomes fascinated by his native roots. He deserted the army in 1787 and began teaching Mohawk children in Teyendinaga. He left the profession in 1791 to become a fur trader and then performed at the British Department of Indian Affairs at Fort Niagara and Fort George, Niagara. His abilities in the Mohawk language are remarkable; he even translates the Gospel according to St. John of the New Testament in this language. Norton was adopted by the Mohawk Nation and appointed the nation's diplomat and warlord in 1799.


Shortly after the declaration of war of 1812, Norton recruited a few hundred Six Nations and Delawares warriors to help Major-General Sir Isaac Brock on the Niagara frontier, which was threatened by an imposing US military stationed in Lewiston. On October 13, 1812, the Americans invaded the heights of Queenston. Norton and 100 warriors play a crucial role in the defeat inflicted on the American invader. Norton leads more warriors to the battles of Fort George, Stoney Creek, Beaver Dams, and many other operations during the war. At that time, he was considered the chief leader of the Aboriginal allies in Upper Canada. Norton is a warlord and leader of the Six Nations Tree of Peace and a major in the British Army.

In 1815, after the war, Norton spent more than a year in Britain, where he published his diary, which became an invaluable historical source for studying the history of First Nations. He returned to Upper Canada and settled near the Grande River in 1816, but he suffered from legal and financial problems. In 1823, he went to the territory of Arkansas, in the United States. He wandered in the southern states for a few years before dying around 1831. The place of his burial is unknown.



John Norton